The Ultimate Gift Guide for That Montgomery County Councilmember in Your Life (Part 2)


It has been a few weeks since our Part 1 Holiday Gift Guide.  For you last minute shoppers, we are finally ready to share Part 2.  If you are looking for a special gift for your representative, these will most definitely hit the mark!

These sustainably grown oak hangers are guaranteed to not add creases to your favorite protest shirt.  Given a closet full of varying colors Ts, each donned for a different activist event, these would be a perfect gift for Gabe Albornoz.  Gabe was no stranger to wearing orange, then wearing red, then wearing purple, as he waxed poetically about “taking a stand” and “not backing down”.  We expect more of the same in 2024.

This 3-foot long windsock will pick up even the slightest of breezes, handles crosswinds without issue, and can be relied upon to provide a clear direction in any environment.  Given his dependence currently on licking a finger and sticking it the air to judge a safe landing area, we suggest this upgrade for Andrew Friedson.  Given his new role, a 2 pack, one for home and the office might be a worthy splurge!

Though not designed for flip phones, we believe by his recent foray onto Twitter, that Sidney Katz has officially entered the age of digital communication and purchased a new smart phone in 2023.  Given the complexities of holding such a device and “mashing all the right buttons”, we recommend a pop-socket.  This device will fit nicely between his fingers enabling him to up his Twitter game even more, while at the same time enable a secure table viewing of Antique Roadshow during his downtime.

It is not easy being cool.  It is even harder having to hang out with cool.  The pressure is on for Dawn Luedtke as she will be called upon to socialize with the coooooolest governor of all time more in 2024.  Showing up with an affordable and pragmatic set of Target sunglasses will simply not cut it and will probably result in her being cropped out of all the professional images.  So, open up your wallets, splurge a bit, and hook Dawn up with a new pair of Ray-Bans.


Light, easy to carry, fits nicely in a trunk, this milk crate can be flipped upside down and stood on, providing the individual an extra 12.5 of height.  Why would Kate Stewart be thankful for this?!  Well, 2023 saw her progressive street creds overshadowed by her colleague Kristin Mink.  She needs to stand out and stand up.  This will allow her to tower above Mink.

This gift is as much for Marc Elrich as it is for his shirts.  His poor poor shirts.  Rocking his own style, Marc likes to carry his large phone in the front pocket of his shirts.  2023 has afforded us plenty of opportunity to see these poor pockets calling for help.  Enough is enough!  We realize the need for a quick access to your cell phone, and this handy belt holster (don’t worry Marc, it is not made by a company that manufactures other types of holsters) keeps the phone easily reachable while still ensuring you can hear the “My Motherland” ringtone.


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