The Montgomery County “Anti-Hate Task Force” Recommendations Distilled


The recommendations of the Montgomery County “Anti-Hate Task Force” are out.  Well, they’ve been out for a few weeks now… but it isn’t clear that local media even bothered to actually read it before issuing press releases about the task force’s work.

In short, “they” (the people on the task force, mainly individuals on taxpayer supported non-profit entities or representing faux-progressive 501c4 orgs that mainly advocate for the local machine politicians) want more of your money.  They want more County tax dollars to grow their already large, publicly funded orgs, to combat “rising hate” and continue their vain attempts at social engineering.

Here is page 10 of the AANHPI “Cohort Recommendations” (we should note that at least one “racial/religious/ group” is missing from the “Cohort” groups, but that is a topic for another time):

More of your money, you see.  AANHPI (this stands for Asian-American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander – but what about “Desi” Americans?  Persian Americans?  Arabs? Armenians?) organizations need more funding, you see.  The Cohort seems to literally want the County government, aka the taxpayer, to “stand up”  AANHPI civic and “advocacy” organizations.  Advocacy for what or who though?  Which politicians?  Hmmmmm.

Let us move on.  On page fourteen, it seems to be implied that MoCo’s Police Department (MCPD) is abetting “white male perpetrators” of hate crimes in the County by not arresting these haters.  There is no statistic or direct evidence presented in this “recommendation” about white “male perpetrators” — just that the “Black and African American Cohort” feels that MCPD isn’t doing enough to crack down on their “hate”.  It is a stunning rhetorical attack on the work (under-manned) MCPD does…

Of course, “hate” crimes and property crimes against historic Black churches or monuments, reprehensible though they are, come from all manner of people… not just “white male perpetrators”.  In fact, just this June (2023) a man was arrested in hate crime incident against a historic UMC church in Annapolis, among other vandalism.  Spoiler: he wasn’t “white”.

Alexander is alleged to have caused extensive damage to Fowler United Methodist Church (UMC), a historic Black church in Annapolis, on June 9. He also is being charged in connection with two additional incidents of vandalism at nearby St. Philip’s Episcopal Church that occurred after the hate crime at Fowler.

This kind of incident, if it occurred in MoCo, would definitely be swept under the proverbial rug, immediately.

And then, of course, the “Black and African American Cohort” has to put out its own recommendations for other people’s money (taxpayer money).  More, more, more funding.  Just a few dollars more from the over-taxed MoCo, MD taxpayer will surely solve the “hate / bias” problem.  If it hasn’t worked over 10 years, let’s double down, double up, and fund it for another 20.  That’ll solve it!

On and on it goes.  Here is a, frankly racist, “recommendation” on page 35 by the “Latino / Hispanic” Cohort, trying to “build bridges”.  So… we are going to “solve” diversity and “equitable” hiring by… “requiring” more of one XYZ group to be in executive “roles” over those in another XYZ group?  Sounds pretty dang divisive.  Also – nobody uses the word / term “Latinx”.  Not even the “Latino / Hispanic Cohort” introduce themselves as such in this issued report!

Finally, yes, they too want more of the taxpayer’s money, per Page 37.  You see, MoCo doesn’t spend enough on Immigrants (we just send millions to CASA and other “charities” each and every year):

We will spare you the rest of the mind-numbing, frankly very shallow public policy “ideas” coming from most of the issued recommendations.

The MoCo taxpayer, the individual worker striving for better, the MoCo family unit and the small business or  medium business working away and producing value, supporting the rapacious, bloated County government despite tax hike after tax hike and regulation after dumb regulation.  The MCPS teacher who just wants to teach kids math, science and reading objectively and grade based on merit.  The parent of a young kid who simply wants to know what curriculum is being taught to their child in MCPS and have the option to “opt out” if necessary, because they want to address sensitive topics at home, not in school.  These are truly the most “hated” people in MoCo – by your County government, no less.

These are the people most in need of an “anti-hate” task force.

More to come.


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