Silence is Agreement


As Kristin Mink’s statements cause waves of outrage both locally and nationally, there is a group of people that have remained strangely quiet – the Montgomery County Council.  Outside of the County Council President, Evan Glass, responding to a question from a local reporter, there have been no formal press releases or statements.  Not a single one.  No proclamations.  Not a single council member has issued a statement rejecting the words of Kristin Mink or commenting on the distrust and hate that they spread within a community.  And this is despite that at least some of the comments Kristin made were done so when she was wearing an official County Council badge, at least projecting that she represented the county council in her official position.

This is a group of people who have a history of showcasing their disgust when issues, statements, or actions violate their moral compass….even if they occur in a different jurisdiction.  And yet, nothing when something disgusting occurs in their own county.

This is also a group that has repeatedly made the claim that staying silent carries costly consequences.  That silence equates to agreement (at best) and violence (at worst).

So, the question is why are you silent Evan, Gabe, Andrew, Laurie-Anne, Sidney, Marilyn, Kate, Will, Natali, and Dawn?

Are you in agreement with Kristin?  Do her words ring true for you?  Or are you too afraid to risk a political position to stand up for what you know is right?  Or maybe you have just been too busy…..somehow I don’t think that is the case.

I am sorry, but back-room arm twisting to get Kristin to issue an apology is not good enough.  It is an injustice not only to the people you represent, but it an injustice to the values and morals that you sold to the county as representing.

ISSUE A STATEMENT NOW.  Your silence makes you complicit.

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