Revisiting CM Mink’s Comments on “Civility” When Addressing Politicians or Political Appointees in Public


Recently, outspoken and (self-acclaimed progressive firebrand) Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez was in the news for being chased out of a public movie theater by protesters upset she hasn’t used the word “genocide” in describing the ongoing military actions in Gaza by the nation of Israel.  Ocasio Cortez, videotaped by the chanting activists as she left the theater, no doubt upset she’s missing her flick, is seen in the video saying the protestors are “unacceptable” in their behavior.

It was an interesting, if predictable, turn of events for the Congresswoman, who once said protesters and activists should make politicians feel “uncomfortable” in public.

Now is an appropriate time to revisit one Kristin Mink, now a member of the Montgomery County Council, and what she said after getting famous in lefty activist “very online” circles prior to running for MoCo Council.  In an interview with comedian and journalist W. Kamau Bell, Mink had the following to say about “civility” and addressing politicians or political appointees in public:

“Like his taco was more important than the air we’re all breathing.”  You can just hear the sanctimony dripping from every word.  She was saving the planet.  One interrupted taco lunch at a time!

Anyways, this isn’t a call for uncivil, nasty behavior towards the tax-hiking, law-and-order bashing CM Mink.  As bad as her policies are for MoCo residents, and as bad as her rhetoric is towards those that have differing views on school curriculum or social engineering policy, people need to rise above doing what she did to a member of a cabinet she disagreed passionately with.

Now CM Mink doesn’t deserve to be accosted in public by activists when out and about, but neither did her target just a few years ago.

As AOC has learned now, what goes around does, usually, go around.

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