CM Kristin Mink’s Staff: A “Democratic Socialist”, a “BDS” Supporter and Plenty of Social ‘Activism’

A thorough review of Montgomery County Councilmember Kristin Mink’s staff shows she has surrounded herself, in this elected office, with local activists, socialists and a “BDS” supporter who has drawn the scrutiny of for prior campus protests.

According to the contact us page on the Councilmember’s county government web portal, the following individuals constitute her staff as of June 12th, 2023:

Reviewing some of the history and backgrounds of the people the County Councilmember has surrounded herself with, note the following:

Chris Wilhelm ran for County Council back in 2018, falling short (5.9% of the vote) in the very crowded Democrat party primary for a voter-diluting “At Large” County Council seat.  He appeared to have picked up several big endorsements along the way.  Mr. Wilhelm’s twitter account is dated / old, but appears to self-identify as a “democratic socialist” and avid supporter of failed presidential candidate and career politician, Bernie Sanders.

Wes Darden appears to be the least controversial of the group.  He seems genuinely concerned about the MoCo Environment and was on the board of the group “Friends of Sligo Creek”:

Maybe he is aware of the additional local eco-toxicity to be created by the rushed, poorly implemented “idea” to push electric cars and school busses?  That released tire rubber and other EV tire chemicals will indeed find themselves into Sligo Creek, especially with increase “EV Bus” adoption.

David Hondowicz also seems less controversial, but seems to agree with his boss, CM Mink, that the homeowners of MoCo are simply piggybanks for the local government to squeeze whenever and wherever possible:

Ana Martinez, at least as of this past March, appeared involved in a county-granted non-profit.  The overall appearance didn’t look quite right – a Sr. Legislative Aid in the HHS Committee space who is/was deeply involved in a non-profit that has gotten thousands in County grants (i.e. taxpayer money) in the past (and no doubt continues to look for this financial support from the government).

And then, finally, Frankie Fritz, Sr. Legislative Aid to Kristin Mink, appears to have been involved in some controversial stuff with the group “SJP” (Students for Justice in Palestine) while at George Washington University, and then was also a “field director” for one Marc Elrich in 2018.

College is where young people (should) be thinking and reasoning and (again hopefully) exploring the full world around them, so this isn’t a pile-on on what a young person wants to explore while in university.  Nor is it a position paper on the Israeli-Palestine conflict or the complex historical context of that part of the world.

But, what has shown (screen shot below), implies someone who probably isn’t reading too many “nuanced” or pragmatic literature pieces on the subject:

It would seem that Krisin Mink has many fellow travelers / activists on her staff and they glom onto whatever cause du jour is pushed by a few national politicians, many of whom just love to demagogue people and “political opponents”.  Not exactly the quiet “public servants” of yester-year in MoCo, MD.

More to come.

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